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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Snow Days - A poem written out of sheer boredom!

SnOw DaYs!

Now on Day Five of being snowed in!  Don't have much else to through the inspiration of all the Facebook posts and comments people have made in regards to  being cooped up with their kids for this long...(and from my  own personal experience) I wrote a poem to commemorate these crazy snow days!!

Here goes...

Snow Day
Sleeping, baking, eating
Cleaning, playing, reading
Snow Day

Snow Day #2
Woo Hoo!
Creating, movie watching, PJ wearing
Relaxing, snuggling, popcorn sharing
Snow Day #2
Woo Hoo!

Snow Day #3
You've got to be kidding me!
Annoying, boring, more card playing
snacking, t.v. watching, tired of laying
Snow Day #3
You've got to be kidding me!

Snow Day #4
Can't take it any more
Squabbling, picking, nerve wracking
binge eating, twitching, feeling like packing
Snow Day #4
Can't take it any more

Snow Day #5
Lucky to be alive
Shoveling, plowing, gotta keep trying
Bundling, driving, death defying
Snow Day #5
Lucky to be alive

The end - that's it!  Those first couple of days are great...but they start to get long and we get ready for routine!  Glad for the relaxation but on with life! I did not put Snow Day #6 -
cause I'm hopeful there isn't one!   
I hope this little poem gave you a smile on this cold day! Stay Warm everyone! 

Monday, January 13, 2014

See Me...a poem given to me by my mother in law about Alzheimers.

I remember the day well.  I remember the day that my dear mother-in-law called me after her weekly visit to the Nursing Home.  She was so faithful to go and visit those in the nursing home.  She told me once that when she started to feel sorry for herself – she would get in her car and go visit!  Sharing her time with others was a blessing to her and to those she visited.  Her heart of service is like no other I know.

On this particular day she was crying.  She had visited a woman who was very alone, never married, in her last days of Alzheimers.  Seeing her old friend this way was more than she could bear.  I remember her saying to me that it was her prayer that she would never be that way, but she feared that she would be.  Even then, she had a little glimpse into her future.  She had great compassion for those who were living in Nursing homes, no longer able to care for themselves, especially those with Dementia – who had no voice.

A few days later she came into the office with a poem she had found that had been written by a woman who died in a geriatric ward of a hospital in England.  This poem was found in the woman’s possessions and was written in her last days.  Esther was so taken with the poem and it’s message, she asked me to print it in our church newsletter. 

I came across it today – I share it with you as tears roll down my cheeks and onto my keyboard. 

What do you see, nurse, what do you see?

Are you thinking when you look at me-

A crabbed old woman, not very wise,

Uncertain of habit with far away eyes,

Who dribbles her food and makes no reply

When you say in a loud voice – “I do wish you’d try.”

Who seems not to notice the things that you do

And forever is losing a stocking or shoe,

Who resisting or not, lets you do as you will

With bathing and feeding, the long day to fill.

Is that what you’re thinking, is that what you see?

Then open your eyes, nurse, You’re not looking at ME.

I’ll tell you who I am as I sit here so still.

As I move at your bidding, eat at your will,

I’m a small child of ten with a father and mother,

Brothers and sisters who love one another;

A young girl of sixteen with wings on her feet,

Dreaming that soon a love she’ll meet;

A bride at twenty, my heart gives a leap,

Remembering the vows that I promised to keep;

At twenty-five now I have young of my own

Who need me to build a secure, happy home.

A woman of thirty, my young now grow fast,

Bound together with ties that should last.

At forty, my young sons have grown up and gone,

But my man’s beside me to see I don’t mourn.

At fifty once more babies play round my knee –

Again we know children, my loved one and me.

Dark days are upon me, my husband is dead.

I look at the future, I shudder with dread.

For my young are all rearing young of their own,

And I think of the years and the love that I’ve known.

I’m an old woman now and nature is cruel.

‘Tis her jest to make old age look like a fool

The body it crumbles, grace and vigor depart.

There is a stone where I once had a heart.

But inside this old carcass a young girl still dwells,

And again my bittered heart swells.

I remember the joys, I remember the pain

And I’m loving and living life over again.

I think of the years, all too few, gone too fast.

And accept the stark fact that nothing can last.

So open your eyes, nurse, open and see

Not a crabbed old woman,

Look closer –See ME!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

pity parties

So, here it is the day I've been fantasizing about for some time.  A big snow day.  A day to be snowed in and get lots of things accomplished, scrapbooking, cleaning house, organizing closets - yep... Bring it!  I'm ready!

Turns out that snow days are anti climatic!  In my fantasy my husband and kids were in the general vicinity not miles away (Dallas).  I had lots of pictures to scrap and even more motivation to do aforementioned list!

My guys left for a convention in Dallas on New Year's day - I knew their return trip might be hampered with the forecast and alas it was.  Flight cancelled - they are stuck in Dallas (the fact that Dallas is somewhat warm and not covered in marshmallow cream - twists the knife in my heart a little deeper). 

I've enjoyed my time with Hannah but turns out I was just a stopping off point for her until her BFF down the street returned from vacay! She couldn't get to her fast enough once she knew she was home. And now that school is cancelled tomorrow....she is spending the night. 

Soooo here I sit inside of this little snow globe watching the snow come down one inch per hour and there isn't relief in sight for awhile - in fact we now have a blizzard warning on top of this! ugh!

"Hey, I'll scrapbook" - proclaimed a joyous me! I got all my stuff out and realized I've never developed any of the million pictures I've taken.  So, downloading and ordering those took up some of my time. 

At last I can watch Bonnie and Clyde that I recorded....didn't know it was a two part series - so I still have no idea what happened to them.. he he

So, I dished out another bowl of spaghetti and meatballs and had myself a little pity party. Trouble is - my pity party kept getting interrupted... sister called to check on me - we had a lovely visit and I got to hear my great nephew coo and giggle in the background.
...even though I declined because I didn't want to brave the weather I was invited by neighbors to come watch a movie neighbor to the east texted to see how I was doing good friend Darla called and we talked a bit.
...oh and by the way...did I mention that earlier in the day I had a surprise visit from two friends who jokingly showed up to eat some of the cookies I complained about being stuck with on facebook!  And one of them even shoveled some of my walk. thoughts also went to this morning when Hannah and I did a devotional together and had some great conversation!
..oh yes and I did find enough motivation to organize the bathroom closet, resulting in the recovery of clippers I forgot I had...resulting in a dog grooming session with the only breathing creature in my grasp!!

Eventhough I just learned that hub's and son's second flight is now cancelled for tomorrow and they won't come in until Tuesday - I'm feeling a little less pitiful thanks to all the little blessings God has sent my way today!  I had to pry my eyelids up a bit to recognize them but when I did I realized that I have no reason to have a pity party - I have been blessed greatly today!, albeit late, my New Year's resolution this year is to keep a gratitude journal - keeping track of all those blessings along the way for which I am so thankful.

Turns out "He" does supply all my needs according to His glorious riches!  I'm pretty Rich indeed! (as well as cold, snowed in and overstuffed...but that's beside the point)

Don't let cabin fever get the best of you - stay safe and warm and if you run out of things to do - try counting your blessings (name them one by one)!