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Sunday, July 15, 2012

A change is gonna come

This Sam Cooke song from the 60’s came to mind today as I was reflecting on all the things that are about to take place in my life in the next few short weeks.

What kind of change is gonna come?

……I will pack up everything but the memories of our house of 12 years and leave it for a  young couple to begin their own memories in.

…..I will move into a temporary spot…for an undetermined amount of time.

….I will say good-bye to Zac one more time when he goes back to college – wait?  Didn’t I just say hello to him.

….I will send Nic off to Phoenix…but this time he will drive (just sedate me til he calls and says he’s there safely, okay?).  His senior year….will he come back or will he stay there???


….My daughter will go to a different school.  Same friends, same school system, just a different building for 5th and 6th graders (5th grade??? Really?  Talk about change that’s about to come. Geesh!).

....Joel will go back to teaching which means sleeping past 5:30 every morning will end (very sad about this one - but I do like me some Sparky time)


               Change is good

It broadens our horizons…

               Teaches us new things

                        Keeps us from becoming dormant

                              Energizes us

                                    Gives us something to look forward to

                                             Helps us set and achieve goals

               Change is good……and yet, in order to endure the changes of life you must have consistency in some areas. We depend on the “constants” to make the changes bearable, keep us grounded and not lose sight of our goals.

The love of family

      The encouragement of friends

               Contentment in spirit



               Most importantly.

Jesus Christ who is the same yesterday,     
                               (Hebrews 13:8)

I'm so thankful for my Mainstay!
He never changes
And that is good! Amen!


1 comment:

  1. Kim, the steadastness of the Savior does help us through these changes. Seeing Nic go off across the country will sure be a challenge. You are such an example of being willing to be open to where God is taking your family, including that new home. Bittersweet are these changes. Can't wait to see what God is going to do next for you.
