Faithfully Following
Last week I had a biopsy
done for some issues I’ve been having.
Needless to say I’ve been a little nerved up and freaked out as all the
research I did pointed toward cancer. I’ve
been in the “Holding Pattern” the last few days awaiting results from my
While I’ve been waiting…and
praying…and trusting…and occasionally freaking out– God has taught me
much! He’s just real awesome like that
- He’s made me aware of all the little things around me that I take for granted
- He’s showed me what courage and complete trust in Him really looks like through the eyes of friends who truly are suffering through cancer or illness.
- He’s really brought nature alive for me making me aware of every flying bird, blossom or fluffy white cloud!
Feeling a bit anxious again
today in my holding pattern, I chose to go down a very hilly road here in Amish
Country on my way to visit my mother in law at the Nursing home. It’s a pretty drive with lots of farms
dotting the landscape. As I was driving
and wondering about things God used another sight along the path to teach me
about faithfulness.
Up ahead was an Amish buggy. It was what the Amish call a “double buggy”
used for bigger families. I don’t know
how long they had been on the road, but I’m guessing they lived nearby because
their two loyal pooches where running after them. The slower one was a shaggy breed and he gave
up a little bit easier and headed back after a time. But, the little terrier mix was in it for the
long haul! He was going to follow his
people all the way – he was that loyal.
So follow he did; and he kept up alongside the buggy at a really good
pace. The scary part was that he did not
stay in their lane but he ran alongside them on the other side of the road!
Remember how I said this is a hilly road?
So this scenario had danger written all over it.
I stayed at a slow pace
behind them. I couldn’t pass anyway
because of the double line and the hills, but neither did I want to. I was mesmerized by the loyalty of this
faithful little fellow. When we started
to crest the hill and puppy remained in the oncoming lane my heart started to race
a bit and I wanted to pull over and call him to the side for fear he was going
to get creamed as I watched.
Fortunately, no vehicle came up the hill. At this point, he’d gone a couple of miles
faithfully following his people with his tongue and tail wagging.
And then….it
happened. A semi loomed up the next hill
and I closed one eye in horror thinking how devastating it was going to be when
their beloved companion got creamed by the big truck as they watched. But, Beloved Companion was pretty smart, and
when he saw the truck coming he crossed over to the other side of the buggy. Even then, he kept up, didn’t slow down for even an instant. He continued to
chase after his master. Once the traffic
was clear he went back to the other lane, running alongside the buggy,
following his people, keeping up with them no matter the risk.
When I felt it was safe
to go around I did and left the family with their side kick faithfully
following as far as I could see in my rear view mirror! I wondered how many miles he followed them.
I did not see his carcass
on the road on the return trip so I assume he met his destination safely
whether it was with them or back at the family farm.
I was very impressed with
poochie! He was loyal and faithfully
followed His master no matter the risk!
I sized it up alongside my current situation. What if I get that call that I have cancer –
will I continue to faithfully follow? Am
I loyal enough to clip along at His heels on the “hills” of danger? Will I continue to trust Him even if it means
there are risks to my personal being? And
most importantly will I do it with such uninhibited tail wagging exuberance? Poochie
didn’t care what loomed ahead – he didn’t even give it a second thought. He
simply did not want to lose sight of His master…..and neither do I!
No matter what looms
ahead, what risk is involved – I want to keep my eyes on my Master! For the remainder of my drive this was my
focus and it felt good. Total surrender
to Him and knowing that no matter what the future holds – He holds me in the
future! Just like that buggy full of
people was Poochies reward – HE is my reward!
I had a wonderful time
with my mother in law. We held hands and
I read her poetry and looked at pretty pictures. We went for a walk and shared some
laughs. I decided to go the same route
on the return trip home. And guess
what? It was on that route home that I
got the phone call from my doctor’s office.
There is no cancer….I am thankful…humbled, overwhelmed…grateful…and
determined to live each day faithfully following with tail wagging exuberance
no matter what lies ahead!